This preached retreat is for oblates of St. Andrew's Abbey or anyone interested in Benedictine spirituality. The focus for the retreat is the Rule of St. Benedict and the liturgy of Pentecost.
Spend a weekend getting back to the key that unlocks the 12-Steps for those who follow them. We will take slightly different approach to these conventional steps and traditions. Recovery can be a traumatic shock to the system, as are all experiences of God. We find God in adversity and weakness; in our common disease […]
Our modern culture places a high value on non-fiction, deeming it to be the “reality,” while largely minimizing or dismissing the rich source of meaning that can be found in fiction, myth, and parable. Through a psycho-spiritual lens, we will explore how the human psyche can experience significant growth through deep interaction with certain forms […]
Discernment is an essential theme in the spiritual life. As we progress through our life, we constantly need to make practical decisions within the context of our values. These values are founded on our belief system, our culture, our understanding of and relationship with God. St. Benedict in his Rule is concerned that monks (actually […]
Cinema Divina uses the form of Lectio Divina with film. It is a time of prayer, reflection, and conversation to dive deeper into our story and recognize our call. This unique experience takes the participants on a journey through a film as we reflect together on our common human experience and the ability to live […]