PRIESTS’ RETREAT: Thriving in the Call of God

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

These days together will explore those elements of our spiritual and ministerial life that bring deep fulfillment and soul satisfaction: prayer, mindfulness, personal presence to others, joy in the celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments, and the remembering of all God's good gifts.


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

This non-directed retreat provides time to reflect on all God has given to us and to enjoy the festive celebration of Thanksgiving with the monastic community. 

MIRROR OF THE SOUL: Experiencing the Psalm as Contemplative Prayer

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

In ancient and modern monastic spirituality the chanting of psalms is believed to have the power of both purifying the soul and enabling the Christian to perceive God’s inner purposes (“logoi”) embedded within history and creation. In this workshop the monastic tradition of psalmody will be studied and practiced by participants in order to help […]

PRACTICING SILENCE IN A NOISY WORLD: Moving Beyond Isolation & Loneliness to Fruitful & Prayerful Solitude

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

A retreat for Oblates of St. Benedict, Christians longing for contemplative prayer and monastic liturgy, and all who seek to deepen their spiritual life through reflections on silence and solitude. How ordinary people can intentionally ‘make room for God’ and incorporate the time-honored practices of silence and solitude within our busy lives. How do we […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

On this first weekend of Advent we will offer a potpourri of monastic insights, enabling participants to experience the Advent season as a time rooted in scripture, history, art, music, and liturgy.


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

“Adviento significa venida.” Es el tiempo en que los cristianos nos preparamos para la venida del Señor. Se dice que el Antiguo Testamento fue el gran tiempo de espera y después de esa espera de muchos siglos, Cristo se manifestó en toda su gloria dándonos la oportunidad de una nueva vida en el Espíritu. En […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Christian monasticism was almost extinguished during the secularizing frenzy of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars that followed. Beginning in the early nineteenth century men and women rediscovered the value and beauty of the monastic tradition and created new Benedictine congregations that revived the monastic practice of evangelization in a variety of new forms. […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

On the Solemnity of Christmas we first contemplate the mystery of the Word becoming Flesh. The liturgical celebration at the Abbey starts with First Vespers on Christmas Eve and ends with Night Prayer on Christmas Day.

NEW YEAR RETREAT: The Spirituality of Saint Benedict and His Disciples

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

In the early sixth century the monk we have come to know as “Benedict” wrote a rule for monasteries that has been in continuous use for more than fifteen hundred years. Part of the reason for the success of the Benedictine Rule is its author’s willingness to gently adapt and improve existing ascetical and spiritual […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

In His Divine Providence, God made provision for beginnings in our lives.  Birthdays, anniversaries, seasons, cycles – all examples of beginnings.  The month of January brings with it the opportunity to begin again. Perhaps it was a year of triumphs and milestones.  Regardless of how the year played out, it is important not to move […]

MID-WINTER DANCE WORKSHOP: Dancing into the Promise

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

No matter how challenging or dark the path may be before us, God’s promise of the Good and the Light lays just ahead. With a blessed heart and sharp eye, we can move along the guiding signs. Presenter: John West, Obl.OSB


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

During these days of silence at the monastery, the whole Church begins the sacred season of Lent. Short reflections will be offered daily with a special emphasis on the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The desert silence and the liturgies of the monastery will provide an atmosphere conducive to deep reflection. This […]


Join Us for an Abbey Retreat


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find

knock and the door will open to you.

Matthew 7:7