Find Rest and Renewal at a
Benedictine Abbey
Saint Andrew’s Abbey is a spiritual home for retreatants and the monks who dedicate their lives to work and prayer here. Come visit us.
Meet The Monks
of Saint Andrew’s Abbey
The monks give Saint Andrew’s Abbey its distinctive Benedictine atmosphere. Learn more about their unique daily lifestyle.


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Your Vocation
How the Process Works
Your Vocation
How the Process Works

Our Abbey Tradition
Saint Andrew’s Ceramics
See the ceramic works handcrafted by monks at Saint Andrew’s. Inspired by Mexican folk art, the joyful depictions of Madonnas, saints and angels express a childlike wonder at the beauty of God.

Shop the Monks’ Korner

The Valyermo Chronicle
Take and read for spiritual reflections and insightful articles from our monks and oblates, news from the Abbot, and more.
See the Valyermo Chronicle editions below:
Whatever good work you begin to do,
beg of God with most earnest prayer to perfect it.
St. Benedict

Our Monks Will
Pray for You
In the spirit of St. Benedict, the primary work of the monks of Saint Andrew’s is prayer. They offer up petitions received every day as they pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Let them know how they can pray for you!