HEALING OUR WOUNDS: Forgiveness in the Spiritual Life

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

We give them, we suffer them, our bodies hold on to them for years: Wounds. We can imprison ourselves in them and wither emotionally far too long without the transforming power of forgiveness. It is Divine Love that liberates us from resentment, self-pity and isolation. The love that forgives opens a path to inner freedom. […]

EVERYDAY SPIRITUALITY: Living the Ordinary Extraordinarily

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

According to Henri Nouwen, "To live in the present, we must believe deeply that what is most important is the here and now" and thus, "we must learn to live each day, each hour, yes, each minute as a new beginning, as a unique opportunity to make everything new." Employing Nouwen's rich insights into our […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

¿Añoras unos días de tranquilidad emocional y espiritual? ¿Buscas unos momentos de silencio en tu vida? ¿Sientes la necesidad de estar a solas con el Señor a través de la meditación y contemplación? Si así lo desea tu corazón, te invitamos a nuestro retiro de silencio que se llevará a cabo en el pequeño oasis […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

This retreat will be inspired by research and by many writers' reflections on spirituality for the second half of life. Creative living within the season of wisdom, greater and ongoing maturation, and positive transformation of the inner life will be some of the meditations for a full life in the Spirit. Experiencing limitations during one's […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

This retreat will follow the spiritual itinerary of Charles de Foucauld, canonized by Pope Francis on May 15, 2022. The point of departure of his conversion is to recognize the absolute of God, to desire to live only for Him, to rejoice in His happiness, and to do everything possible to imitate his Beloved Jesus, […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Another way to say Christ in all His glory is to say Christ in all His beauty. An experience of Christ through beauty awakens faith or fortifies it to a deeper surety. God allows us to see breathtaking beauty in nature. David Clayton proposes that “the aims for the supernatural transformation of the person are […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

This retreat is open to artists at all levels including beginners. Photographers, sculptors and writers are also welcome to come and experience the colors and beauty of the high desert in the setting of the monastery. Escape the stress of daily life while deepening a spiritual vision in your art. (A materials list will be […]

GUESS WHAT’S COMING FOR DINNER!: A Cooking Retreat/Workshop

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Once upon a time, up in the cold north, there was an elderly widower who grew quite fond of making a different soup each night of the week.  You wouldn't believe what edible riches and delights the winter months provide for the pot on the stove.  Come and spend a week of learning and fun […]

PRIESTS’ RETREAT: Thriving in the Call of God

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

These days together will explore those elements of our spiritual and ministerial life that bring deep fulfillment and soul satisfaction: prayer, mindfulness, personal presence to others, joy in the celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments, and the remembering of all God's good gifts.


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

This non-directed retreat provides time to reflect on all God has given to us and to enjoy the festive celebration of Thanksgiving with the monastic community. 

MIRROR OF THE SOUL: Experiencing the Psalm as Contemplative Prayer

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

In ancient and modern monastic spirituality the chanting of psalms is believed to have the power of both purifying the soul and enabling the Christian to perceive God’s inner purposes (“logoi”) embedded within history and creation. In this workshop the monastic tradition of psalmody will be studied and practiced by participants in order to help […]

PRACTICING SILENCE IN A NOISY WORLD: Moving Beyond Isolation & Loneliness to Fruitful & Prayerful Solitude

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

A retreat for Oblates of St. Benedict, Christians longing for contemplative prayer and monastic liturgy, and all who seek to deepen their spiritual life through reflections on silence and solitude. How ordinary people can intentionally ‘make room for God’ and incorporate the time-honored practices of silence and solitude within our busy lives. How do we […]


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Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find

knock and the door will open to you.

Matthew 7:7