PRIESTS’ RETREAT: Keepers of the “Divine Dream”. . .
...for us, for our people, and for our world. The centerpiece for this retreat will be Pope Francis’ book: Let us Dream: The Path to a Better Future. (This retreat is also offered May 8-12)
A Benedictine Monastery
...for us, for our people, and for our world. The centerpiece for this retreat will be Pope Francis’ book: Let us Dream: The Path to a Better Future. (This retreat is also offered May 8-12)
This retreat will reveal and illumine our inner experience of God, in its subtle and dramatic forms. Being human is acknowledging our dependence on the Unseen, the Transcendent, the Creative Source — God. Made in God’s image and likeness, mystics experience this more-than-human knowing and loving that comes from their Creator. Are we not all […]
La Cuaresma es el tiempo liturgico de conversion, que la Iglesia marca para prepararnos a la gran fiesta de la Pascua. Es tiempo para arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados y de cambiar algo dentro nosotros para ser mejores y poder vivir mas cerca de Cristo. En la Cuaresma, Cristo nos invita a cambiar de vida. La […]