The Monks of
Saint Andrew’s Abbey
Here you will meet the members of our monastic community, and get a glimpse into our spiritual life together at Saint Andrew’s Abbey. You will also find links to some of our creative and professional work.
Professed in 1998
Background and Experience:
I grew up in Los Angeles. I am one of eight children born to immigrant parents. Before entering the monastery, I taught middle school students for several years and enjoyed it very much.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I joined St. Andrew’s Abbey because I wanted to live in a prayerful community of men that had a strong sense of fraternity about it. The daily schedule also provides me with a good balance of work and prayer which encourages and challenges me to grow deeper in my relationship with God.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
One of my favorite aspects of being a monk of Valyermo is living in this absolutely beautiful and peaceful place. Our 1800-acre property is conducive to our life of prayer and contemplation. It is truly an oasis in the desert which serves as a daily reminder to me of God’s presence and goodness.
Professed in 1994
Background and Experience:
I was ordained a priest in 1974 and served as a parish priest in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for 20 years. My degree is in spirituality, and I enjoy doing spiritual direction here at the Abbey and once a week at the House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. I am also the abbey Sub-Prior.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I was drawn to join St. Andrew’s Abbey because of its warm hospitality, its community life, and the simplicity of that life and the prayerfulness of its liturgical celebrations and the chanting of the Divine Office. Its pastoral outreach, retreat work and parish supply also attracted me.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
My most favorite aspect of being a monk of Valyermo is the opportunity to come together in community five times a day to praise our God and to pray for the needs of the Church, our country, our families, and our world. I believe this is the core meaning of our existence: to be a powerhouse of prayer and contemplation that can set the world on fire, bringing the Kingdom ever nearer.
Professed in 1967
Background and Experience:
I have been a professed monk since 1970. I owe my personal, spiritual and educational development to the founding monks of this community. Ordained a priest in 1976, I have served as guestmaster, novicemaster, kitchenmaster, abbot, fundraiser, general chairman of the once annual Valyermo Fall Festival, retreat presenter, Oblate director, coordinator of burials at our monastic cemetery along with other responsibilities.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I found this monastery appealing because of its size, simplicity and the wisdom of its founders, who were all from Europe and Asia and had been missionaries in China. There was a sense of holiness of life which drew me here.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
I love the prayer life: the Liturgy of the Hours, the daily Eucharist, times for lectio divina and personal prayer. I was drawn to the diversity of personalities and background among the founding monks, their monastic spiritual mission to the wider Church and their sense of fraternal love, stability in community and humility. From the first, I was impressed by the ministry of hospitality which is a hallmark of this monastery in particular and has been humanly and spiritually nourishing to me all these years.
Professed in 1960
Background and Experience:
I was raised in Eagle Rock Presbyterian Church, but entered the Catholic Church in 1951. It was after my graduation from University of California Berkley. That same year I joined the Coast Guard. This was during the Korean War. After my service in the Coast Guard, I enrolled in California State University Poly Pomona and graduated with a degree in Ornamental Landscaping. I worked for the city of Riverside in City planning.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
A Dominican priest encouraged me to look into religious life. I had always been interested in Benedictine life. I met an Oblate from St. Andrew’s Abbey who told me about the monastery. At the encouragement of friends, I came to meet with the Prior, Fr. Raphael.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
I treasure the fact that we sing the Divine Office. The Opus Dei is at the heart of Benedictine life and an important way in which I can be in the presence of God. I also appreciate very much the Grail Psalter that we use here because it is a wonderful translation to pray and sing with.
Professed in 1963
Background and Experience:
I began my grade school education at a school in Olive, CA—now known as Anaheim Hills. I finished my grade school education at Holy Family in Orange where I was taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. I was seventeen when I joined the community.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
When I was in the eighth grade, Sister Henrietta, C.S.J. sent me to St. Andrew’s Abbey for a father/son retreat. That was in 1958, and I fell in love with the place. It was community-oriented, and I liked very much the fact that the monks took a vow of stability. I came every summer, Christmas and Easter to work in the garden.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
I enjoy living in community and the whole experience of brotherhood among the monks. I have been able to care for the young and the old over the years.
Professed in 2016
Background and Experience:
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, toured the world with a reggae band, graduated from Biola University, broke too many bones from various extreme sports, became Catholic at age 23, and sought to prefer nothing whatsoever to Christ. I am currently studying theology at the University of Notre Dame.
Read Br. John’s full vocation story here.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey for one reason only: God told me to.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
My favorite aspect of being a monk of Valyermo is morning Lectio Divina between 6:45-ish to 7:25. It is never long enough.
Professed in 2014
Background and Experience:
Before entering the monastery, I worked in financial and accounting for many years. I currently serve as the Abbey Controller.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I joined Saint Andrew’s because of a deep calling when I asked God “Where can I be of the most service and do God’s will best.”
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
I enjoy the serenity and peace when the community comes together for prayer and worship.
Professed in 1974
Background and Experience:
I was born in Los Angeles. The community life at University of California Riverside Newman’s Center helped me to decide to live as a monk in community.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I came to St. Andrew”s Abbey because I desired to live in a community and to learn the ways of God; striving to live a life of holiness as much as one can in a lifetime.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
A favorite aspect of being a monk for me is living a life of prayer with my community in its beautiful surroundings. This life encourages me to become more aware of God’s presence in my life and how to live my life in this world.
Professed in 1980
Background and Experience:
When I joined the monastery, I had completed my training as a family practice physician. As a monk, I was given the opportunity to study theology and later completed my doctorate in patristics at Oxford University in England. I am a professor of moral theology and church history at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo and co-chair of the Bioethics Committee at the Antelope Valley Hospital Medical Center in Lancaster, where I am a medical staff member. I also conduct retreats at the Abbey.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I joined St. Andrew’s Abbey because I discovered there a community committed to liturgical prayer as its central and most important work.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
At Saint Andrew’s Abbey it is possible to share our experience of prayer and deepening communion with Jesus Christ both with each other as monks and with the guests who visit the Abbey.
Professed in 1981
Background and Experience:
I was clothed in the habit and entered the novitiate on the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady in 1982. I professed simple vows on the feast of the Transfiguration in 1983 and was solemnly professed on August 6, 1986. I was ordained priest on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord on May 28, 1987. I manage the Rookery, the Abbey’s used bookstore. I also prepare the readings for the Divine Office and manage the monastery’s art collection.
Professed in 1984
Background and Experience:
I was born and raised in a large Italian-German family in San Pedro, CA. Along with my four brothers, I was an altar boy at Fort MacArthur Chapel and St. Mary Star of the Sea. We were all taught by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Church had a tremendous influence and impact on our lives. We all grew up speaking the Ischitano dialect, with parents, grandparents, and six kids under one roof, a house made into a home for almost 70 years. I am a former Kitchen Master and give Spiritual Direction.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I came to Valyermo initially by accident as a seminary in 1981. Unmoved and unimpressed, what eventually drew me was the warmth and familial environment with which I was raised. I felt that the Holy Spirit was active in this place and that I could serve the Church and my brothers well in this life.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
One of the aspects of monastic life that I like is that it affords me the opportunity to take good, long looks at myself to learn those areas of my life where God wants to meet me still. That in ministering to God’s people, we all discover within ourselves a wounded healer who has a definitive purpose in God’s plans.
Professed in 1996
Background and Experience:
I was born in Tucson, AZ. Before I entered the monastery, I was studying to be a diocesan priest for the Diocese of Tucson, Arizona. I manage the Abbey gift shop, bookstore, and ceramics and serve as the Prior.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
As a seminarian, I was invited to an investiture ceremony; a ceremony when a monk receives the monastic habit and his religious name. It changed my life. At that moment, I felt our Lord saying very clearly to me, “I want you here with Me. Come and live this monastic way of life.” So I did. After I graduated from the seminary in 1995, I entered the monastery in 1996.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
Prayer: spending time with our Lord in silence. It took me a while to get used to the silence, but now I fully embrace it. I am truly grateful and appreciative of this vocation God has given me. My heart is full of God’s love.
Professed in 2003
Background and Experience:
I am from the island of St. Lucia and have been at Saint Andrew’s Abbey since 2003.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey because I felt God calling me to this life.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
My favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo is having the opportunity to pray daily in community.
Professed in 2011
Background and Experience:
Before monastic life, I worked as a Music and Liturgy Director for a Catholic Church. I serve as the Choir Master and give spiritual direction.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I joined St. Andrew’s Abbey because God called me to a life of contemplative and intercessory prayer in the desert.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
I am grateful to God for calling me to be a monk of Valyermo because living out my vocation in this place, with this wonderful community, has given me, as Jesus promised, “a hundred fold.” Here, in this place, is where I am the best version of myself. Here is where God uses all the gifts He has given me for the building of His Kingdom, in service to His children.
Professed in 2003
Background and Experience:
I was a restaurant manager for about 18 years. This experience was somewhat helpful in my former role as Guest Master and my current role as Kitchen Master. I also serve as the Head Sacristan and Abbey purchaser.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
When I first visited the Abbey, I was attracted to the Divine Office. Seeing the monks come together as a community and chanting the Office together was very appealing to me. I thought it was a good way to pray.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
My favorite aspect of being a monk is knowing that I’m part of a community of like-minded men whose ultimate goal is seeking God. I can’t think of a better place to live!
Professed in 2020
Background and Experience:
My monastic life journey started in Rwanda, East Africa in 2005. I officially joined St. Andrew’s Abbey July 11, 2020.
The reason why he joined Saint Andrew’s Abbey:
I perceive monastic life as a way of seeking God continuously, through meditation on Sacred Scripture, the Rule of St. Benedict, and in the community. In this peaceful oasis in the desert, away from noise and distraction, the simplicity of life of the monastic community and it’s profound connection to God captured me.
His favorite aspect of being a monk at Valyermo:
The climate of prayer and meditation, and the balance of life.
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Our Life
At St. Andrew’s Abbey, Our monks follow the monastic tradition set forth by St. Benedict in a modern setting. Want to know what a day in our life is like? We’d love to show you.