Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

On this first weekend of Advent, we will offer a potpourri of monastic insights, enabling participants to experience the Advent season as a time rooted in scripture, history, art, music, and liturgy. Presenters: Monks of Valyermo


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

"Adviento significa venida." Es el tiempo en que los cristianos nos preparamos para la venida del Señor. Se dice que el Antiguo Testamento fue el gran tiempo de espera y después de esa espera de muchos siglos, Cristo se manifestó en toda su gloria dándonos la oportunidad de una nueva vida en el Espíritu. En […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

The notion of “divinization” has traditionally been associated with Eastern Christian spiritual theology, particularly the Byzantine understandings of the sacraments and spiritual progress.  In the light of the Incarnation of Christ at Christmas we will discover during this workshop how both the Rule of Benedict and the writings of Benedictine contemplative writers reflect this ancient […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

On the Solemnity of Christmas, we first contemplate the mystery of the Word becoming Flesh. The liturgical celebration at the Abbey starts with First Vespers on Christmas Eve and ends with Night Prayer on Christmas Day.

NEW YEAR RETREAT: The Spirituality of Saint Benedict and His Disciples *SOLD OUT*

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

In the early sixth century the monk we have come to know as “Benedict” wrote a rule for monasteries that have been in continuous use for more than fifteen hundred years.  Part of the reason for the success of the Benedictine Rule is its author’s willingness to gently adapt and improve existing ascetical and spiritual practices in […]

Monastic Contemplative Practices (Zoom Option)

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

           In the early monastic tradition, the term “contemplation” referred to the perception of God in both the glorious complexity of creation and silent rest without words or images. In this workshop, the monastic practices of lectio divina and psalmody will provide a link between these two poles of contemplation. Readings from early […]

$150.00 – $532.00

MID-WINTER DANCE WORKSHOP: Stepping Into the Wells of Life

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

  Refresh and renew yourselves through the depths of our human experience with uplifting sacred music, word, and dance. Val and Frank Jansen will join us & provide musical support for the workshop.   Presenter: JOHN WEST, Obl.OSB is an oblate of Saint Andrew’s Abbey and the founder of the Valyermo Dancers. A gifted dancer, choreographer, […]

$465.00 – $768.00


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

En este retiro, veremos la antigua tradición monástica de la Lectio Divina como herramienta principal para el crecimiento en la vida espiritual, especialmente en lo que respecta a la oración contemplativa. También, estudiaremos algunas de las “herramientas de las buenas obras” del Capítulo 4 de la Regla de San Benito, además de contemplar algunas virtudes […]



Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

God is love, but really, experiencing God’s love is sometimes difficult. Once mankind lived in perfect community with God, we were designed for this. His love and provision were real and tangible. But our fallen nature and ongoing rebellion has caused us to doubt God’s love for us. We struggle to accept His mercy, yet […]



Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

During these days of silence at the monastery, the whole Church begins the sacred season of Lent. Short reflections will be offered daily, emphasizing the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. The desert silence and the monastery's liturgies will provide an atmosphere conducive to deep reflection. This is a wonderful opportunity to make […]

$400.00 – $696.00


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

La Cuaresma es el tiempo litúrgico de conversión, que la Iglesia marca para prepararnos a la gran fiesta de la Pascua. Es tiempo para arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados y de cambiar algo dentro nosotros para ser mejores y poder vivir más cerca de Cristo. En la Cuaresma, Cristo nos invita a cambiar de vida. La […]


Serenity Retreat: Cultivating Rhythms of Wholistic Wellness

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Serenity is a universal need, though often elusive in our fast-paced, tension-filled lives. While the world's demands create stress and chaos, serenity offers a path toward peace, grounding us in a state of calm that nurtures our deepest sense of well-being. Far more than the absence of conflict, serenity is a practice that leads us […]

Sold Out $266.00 – $466.00

Join Us for an Abbey Retreat


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find

knock and the door will open to you.

Matthew 7:7