Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Este retiro analizará lo que nos sucede después de morir a partir de las Escrituras y la Tradición. Usaremos como trampolín el libro “El alma después de la muerte” del P. Seraphim Rose. Habrá una discusión sobre el fenómeno de la Experiencia Cercana a la Muerte, incluyendo las verdaderas experiencias cristianas del cielo durante éstas, […]

DISCOVERING C. S. LEWIS’S LIBRARY: The Enchanting and Sacramental Role of Books (Zoom Option)

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Imagine standing in C. S. Lewis’s personal library as he tells how books enlarged his vision, captured his imagination, and pointed him to Christ. In this workshop, Lewis’s story and the growth of his library are traced, beginning with his first book and early collecting through his academic and writing career, until his library is […]

Get Tickets $150.00 – $466.00

WHO AM I? Meeting the Self in the in the Prodigal Son

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

St. Luke, Rembrandt, and Henri Nouwen are our human guides as we examine and discern the different spiritual states revealed in Holy Scripture's parable of The Prodigal Son. Art, writing, and personal experience combine to help us realize the broader implications of this narrative and how they apply to our lives. Careful attention to art, […]

Get Tickets $333.00 – $532.00


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

This intensive icon painting workshop will provide an opportunity to experience the process of icon painting. Participants will learn traditional iconographic techniques, working with egg tempera on gesso and the Byzantine four-color (tetrachrome) palette. This practical instruction will be combined with theoretical instruction in the history of iconography, iconographic composition, and the theology of icons. […]

BENEDICTINE SPIRITUALITY RETREAT: Reflections of the Rule of St. Benedict

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

St. Andrew’s Abbey monks invite retreatants to reflect deeply on the Rule of St. Benedict. Individual monks will offer personal reflections and insights on selected passages of the Rule to further enrich our understanding of the Rule of St. Benedict, explore aspects for daily application, and deepen our Christian commitment to live out the Gospel.   […]

Get Tickets $532.00 – $930.00


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Angels are real, spiritual beings who exist as messengers and servants of God. This retreat will provide a general overview of angelology while looking at the writings and teachings of St Thomas Aquinas, Church Tradition, and the Scriptures to “flesh out” these mysterious beings of pure intellect. Utilizing the question/answer format from Dr. Peter Kreeft’s book […]


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

To enter into a relationship with Clare of Assisi for this weekend retreat is to go forward securely, joyfully, and swiftly, carried by the momentum of a woman burning with love. Clare, a pilgrim of the interior adventure, always re-directs us on the path of prudent happiness. What a paradox: the cloister of San Damiano […]

Get Tickets $333.00 – $532.00


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Cinema Divina combines film with the form of Lectio Divina. It is a time of prayer, reflection, and conversation to dive deeper into the story and recognize our call. This unique experience takes the participants on a journey through film as we reflect together on our common human experience and the ability to live a virtuous life. Films to be announced.   Presenter:  […]

Get Tickets $333.00 – $532.00


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

This retreat aims to provide a proper understanding and approach to miracles from the Catholic perspective by separating the authentic from the counterfeit, according to the Scriptures and the Magisterium. We will use the book “A Catholic Guide to Miracles" by Adam Blai to explore specific miracles and provide examples of their demonic counterfeits. If […]

CELTIC SPIRITUALITY: A Journey into Sacred Living

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

That early Irish Christian spirituality and practice is often misunderstood and misappropriated does not negate the fact that it has much to teach us today. This retreat will look at five main areas of Celtic spirituality: pilgrimage, spiritual companionship, "thin places," penance and monasticism in order to situate them in their historical setting with an […]

Get Tickets $333.00 – $532.00


Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Our modern culture places a high value on non-fiction, deeming it to be the “reality” while largely minimizing or dismissing the rich source of meaning that can be found in fiction, myth, and parables.  Through a psycho-spiritual lens, we will explore how the human psyche can experience significant growth through deep interaction with certain forms […]

Get Tickets $465.00 – $768.00

HEALING OUR WOUNDS: Forgiveness in the Spiritual Life

Saint Andrew's Abbey 31001 N. Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

  We give them, we suffer them, and our bodies hold on to them for years: Wounds.  We can imprison ourselves in them and wither emotionally for far too long without the transforming power of forgiveness.  Divine Love liberates us from resentment, self-pity, and isolation. The love that forgives opens a path to inner freedom.  […]

Get Tickets $532.00 – $930.00

Join Us for an Abbey Retreat


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find

knock and the door will open to you.

Matthew 7:7